Mope io animal tree
Mope io animal tree

mope io animal tree

'Trees' were originally simple hills with a Bush on top.This is false, as it can throw bananas and coconuts if the player touches a hill or tree The Gorilla's ability description says it needs to be touching a tree to throw items.The Orange tree has 2 forms: a tree with an olive green canopy, and a small tree with less leaves. Some of its leaves are dark green, while others are a lighter shade of green. The Banana tree has multiple long rectangular leaves that are pointed at the end.


Though the full tree trunk of the Coconut tree cannot be seen, the top of it is brown. The Coconut tree has long triangular leaves - less than the Fir - that also have a lighter green line down their center. This variety is also covered in white snow, with the green color of the leaves only being visible around the border of each leaf. The Fir Tree consists of multiple triangular green leaves pointing in many different directions. Branches can also be seen coming from the trunk. The Land Tree's canopy is colored green, with the inner color being lighter in order to see the brown trunk of the tree. If a player is under a tree, they are unaffected by the respective Special Abilities of the Snowy Owl, Falcon, Pakistan Vulture, Eagle, and Pterodactyl.The canopies of trees are opaque, but will become transparent if the player nears the tree, showing the trunk and any food if it is a food-bearing tree.Flying Animals can fly over trees and hit any Animals on top of trees normally and with abilities, but not Animals that are beneath it.If a non-tree climbing Animal presses S on a tree the error message "This Animal can't climb Trees!" appears.If the player tries to climb a tree before the 5 seconds is up, they will receive the error message: "You just climbed a tree, wait (amount of time in seconds)". There is a 5 second delay before the player can climb another tree.There is no limit to how long one can stay on a tree, although their Water bar will deplete over time and they will have to drink water eventually.If the player is a tree-climbing Animal and touches a tree trunk for the first time in the session, a pop-up appears saying "Press S while under a tree to climb it! (Certain animals can).".However, players can climb onto other trees without touching the ground if two or more trees are close together.

mope io animal tree

These animals can climb trees with S while touching the trunk of the tree, and can get off the tree any time by pressing S again or by walking off the top. The Fir and Orange tress are exclusive to the Arctic and Desert biomes - they are the only kind of tree that generates in those biomes. While the Land and Banana trees are large, all others are typically smaller in size. The Tree varieties have contrasting sizes.Food generated is smaller than their normal size but give the same amount of XP.Some fully leaved trees may generate Oranges.

mope io animal tree

They may also generate as a leaf-less shriveled tree instead.

  • Orange trees are similar to the Land trees but have an olive canopy.
  • Some Fir trees generate Arctic Nuts around their trunk. They have pointy tops, layers of green sharp leaves, and snow. They spawn randomly and in higher quantity around Lakes. Some trees generate Bananas near the trunk of the tree. They look somewhat like palm trees, with long toothed leaves in three shades of green.
  • Banana trees generate rarely by themselves, but are abundant around Lakes, the shoreline, and on the edges of Islands.
  • Some trees may generate Coconuts near the bark of the tree. Their canopy is two layers of lime green long pointy leaves branching from the trunk.
  • Coconut trees are usually found on Beaches and around the edges of Islands.
  • They are also densely located in Timberland, the sub-biome within Land.
  • Land trees generate in any number of specific locations in the Land biome, as the name implies.
  • These Trees come in 6 varieties: Land, Coconut, Banana, Fir, Orange and Desert.
  • Trees are composed of small solid trunks, blocking the movement of non-flying Animals, and a canopy.

  • Mope io animal tree